Today Disney announced that testing for COVID-19 will now be available at Walt Disney World for Cast Members and their families, and with it, the stalled negotiations between the Actors’ Equity Association and Disney were successfully resolved.
After insisting that Disney actors needed access to COVID-19 testing on-site due to their inability to social distance while performing, the Actors’ Equity Association refused to allow its members to return to Walt Disney World to work. Plans Disney had announced on June 23 to recall Equity Cast Members for rehearsals the following week were rescinded on June 26, and talks between Disney and the Actors’ Equity Association have since remained at a standstill.
With today’s statement by Disney, the President of the Actors’ Equity Association, Kate Shindle, released the following statement hailing the news regarding COVID-19 testing for Disney World Cast Members and allowing Equity Members to return to work:
“We have been consistent that testing is an important part of ensuring a safe workplace for Equity performers, and today, I’m pleased to see that Disney World has agreed. With the news that Disney will make testing available for Equity performers and others in the Park, I’m happy to announce that Equity’s executive committee has signed a memorandum of understanding with Disney for Equity performers to return.”