Shanghai Disney Resort marked a magical milestone during this year’s New Year’s Eve celebration as the ceremony culminated in a spectacular firework show and surprise reveal of the resort’s Fifth Anniversary logo.
The Fifth Anniversary logo features Shanghai Disneyland’s iconic Enchanted Storybook Castle silhouetted against a brightly colored number five, with added sparkles to bring depth, dimension and a touch of Disney magic to the festivities.
To signal this upcoming chapter in the resort’s history, Shanghai Disneyland hosted a special New Year’s Eve fireworks show – “Ignite the New Year” – at the Enchanted Storybook Castle. The exclusive New Year’s Eve show featured spectacular fireworks, stunning projections, dazzling lights, the debut of a brand-new soundtrack and the unveiling of the Fifth Anniversary logo.
In keeping with Disney parks and resorts tradition, Shanghai Disney Resort will commemorate this upcoming milestone with a yearlong anniversary celebration. Tune into the Disney Parks Blog and see how this anniversary will manifest in magical ways!
Gray is a lifelong Disney fan! From Disney+ to the parks, he loves it all. His favorite Disney movie is Beauty and the Beast, and his favorite attraction is The Haunted Mansion.