The Walt Disney Company has just issued a statement regarding the ongoing conflict in Ukraine perpetrated by the Russian government. Disney has announced that they will be pausing the release of theatrical films in Russia, including Pixar’s” Turning Red.”
“Given the unprovoked invasion of Ukraine and the tragic humanitarian crisis, we are pausing the release of theatrical films in Russia, including Russia, the upcoming Turning Red from Pixar. We will make future business decisions based on the evolving situation. In the meantime, given the scale of the emerging refugee crisis, we are working with our NGO partners to provide urgent aid and other humanitarian assistance to refugees.”
The Walt Disney Company
Disney has also announced that they will make future business decisions based on “the evolving situation.” Disney is also working with various NGOs to provide aid and humanitarian assistance to Ukraine.
Gray is a lifelong Disney fan! From Disney+ to the parks, he loves it all. His favorite Disney movie is Beauty and the Beast, and his favorite attraction is The Haunted Mansion.
I’m so glad to hear this.