Nicknamed “Rolly” by Walt Disney himself, during the early days of the company and played an integral role in designing the original Haunted Mansion at Disneyland Resort. Six decades later, the Haunted Mansion Parlor will unlock the next chapter of the Haunted Mansion saga for Disney Cruise Line guests. The venue will be imbued with Crump’s unique brand of humor and is a proud continuation of his legacy, celebrating the weird and the fantastical.
Part of Rolly’s larger creative concept for a “Museum of the Weird” in the Haunted Mansion, his original vision included a character that appeared to be melting like a candle. It was only fitting for the design for Rolly’s memorial bust to stem from his own ideas, which led to the sculpted drips on the side of his face and a memorial plaque that reads, “BROTHER ROLAND- FOREVER REVERED FOR EMBRACING THE WEIRD.” When the Disney Treasure sets sail, Rolly Crump’s statue will have a place of honor within the Haunted Mansion Parlor.
A new sculpture, bound for the Haunted Mansion Parlor onboard the Disney Treasure, is being crafted at a dedicated Walt Disney Imagineering workshop at Walt Disney World Resort. Who inspired this mysterious bust? The sculpture was modeled in the image of the famed Disney Legend, Rolly Crump. And the fact that today is Rolly’s birthday makes this Ship’s Log reveal all the more special as the world remembers him and his many contributions to Disney Parks.
Nicknamed “Rolly” by Walt Disney himself, during the early days of the company and played an integral role in designing the original Haunted Mansion at Disneyland Resort. Six decades later, the Haunted Mansion Parlor will unlock the next chapter of the Haunted Mansion saga for Disney Cruise Line guests. The venue will be imbued with Crump’s unique brand of humor and is a proud continuation of his legacy, celebrating the weird and the fantastical.
Part of Rolly’s larger creative concept for a “Museum of the Weird” in the Haunted Mansion, his original vision included a character that appeared to be melting like a candle. It was only fitting for the design for Rolly’s memorial bust to stem from his own ideas, which led to the sculpted drips on the side of his face and a memorial plaque that reads, “BROTHER ROLAND- FOREVER REVERED FOR EMBRACING THE WEIRD.” When the Disney Treasure sets sail, Rolly Crump’s statue will have a place of honor within the Haunted Mansion Parlor.
Gray is a lifelong Disney fan! From Disney+ to the parks, he loves it all. His favorite Disney movie is Beauty and the Beast, and his favorite attraction is The Haunted Mansion.
So interesting and neat and cool