Bo Peep, from Pixar Animation Studios’ “Toy Story” films, will be making special appearances at Disney Parks starting this summer. You’ll be able to meet Bo when she finds her way to Disneyland Paris, Pixar Pier at Disney California Adventure park and Toy Story Land at Disney’s Hollywood Studios. She’ll also be traveling across the Pacific to visit Disney Parks in Asia.
In “Toy Story 4,” when Bonnie takes the toys on her family’s road trip, Woody ends up on an unexpected detour that includes a reunion with his long-lost friend Bo Peep, whose adventurous spirit and life on the road belie her delicate porcelain exterior. Woody and Bo are worlds apart when it comes to life as a toy, and they soon realize that’s the least of their worries.
Disney•Pixar’s “Toy Story 4” ventures to theaters on June 21, 2019. Stay tuned to Disney Parks Blog for more information on Bo Peep’s arrival later this year.